"4011", "VK_VERSION" => "008", "VK_SND_ID" => "uid100049", "VK_REPLY" => "3012", "VK_RETURN" => "https://pangalink.indoorsman.ee/project/ihpf2OwtqBwkOccI?auth_action=success", "VK_DATETIME" => "2025-02-22T17:08:33+0000", "VK_RID" => "1740244113580", "VK_ENCODING" => "utf-8", ); // STEP 3. Generate data to be signed // ================================== // Data to be signed is in the form of XXXYYYYY where XXX is 3 char // zero padded length of the value and YYY the value itself // NB! Swedbank expects symbol count, not byte count with UTF-8, // so use `mb_strlen` instead of `strlen` to detect the length of a string $data = str_pad (mb_strlen($fields["VK_SERVICE"], "UTF-8"), 3, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . $fields["VK_SERVICE"] . /* 4011 */ str_pad (mb_strlen($fields["VK_VERSION"], "UTF-8"), 3, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . $fields["VK_VERSION"] . /* 008 */ str_pad (mb_strlen($fields["VK_SND_ID"], "UTF-8"), 3, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . $fields["VK_SND_ID"] . /* uid100049 */ str_pad (mb_strlen($fields["VK_REPLY"], "UTF-8"), 3, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . $fields["VK_REPLY"] . /* 3012 */ str_pad (mb_strlen($fields["VK_RETURN"], "UTF-8"), 3, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . $fields["VK_RETURN"] . /* https://pangalink.indoorsman.ee/project/ihpf2OwtqBwkOccI?auth_action=success */ str_pad (mb_strlen($fields["VK_DATETIME"], "UTF-8"), 3, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . $fields["VK_DATETIME"] . /* 2025-02-22T17:08:33+0000 */ str_pad (mb_strlen($fields["VK_RID"], "UTF-8"), 3, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . $fields["VK_RID"]; /* 1740244113580 */ /* $data = "0044011003008009uid1000490043012076https://pangalink.indoorsman.ee/project/ihpf2OwtqBwkOccI?auth_action=success0242025-02-22T17:08:33+00000131740244113580"; */ // STEP 4. Sign the data with RSA-SHA1 to generate MAC code // ======================================================== openssl_sign ($data, $signature, $private_key, OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA1); /* mnUFR6yhaQaiOzlO+GGMJhlWDB9I/rjsMXB1rYIOFROEPQ7BP0YR018fJEupLlUjXzyPV7h4o3KfW8y1AJssx7FL1q3sDjW/fA4ZNHXTfsx1ZE4X+vx50dDSKMXoVII4yNOw3fsgKysxfFI+qaaGhqg3a3HCjB5o8tCF6IUFZv/hojviXjK0HC3wjV7pGa9T27sxcbOWhiuJXl0X6dOgl8kr2vvoI1IVOCKUcPycFlonYzuUG7TrKF4FdJW+pa6gLQuh0030DSJEvIklvZT4LGXGm1zAyDemnRzg6EAHqs6GdvHN9k93TOC5BJsUwBXslhbid/XZvwfUBI5IpStInA== */ $fields["VK_MAC"] = base64_encode($signature); // STEP 5. Generate POST form with payment data that will be sent to the bank // ========================================================================== ?>


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$val):?> $val):?>