"VK_VERSION" => "008",
"VK_SND_ID" => "uid100010",
"VK_STAMP" => "2998",
"VK_AMOUNT" => "0.01",
"VK_CURR" => "EUR",
"VK_ACC" => "LT657300010135270430",
"VK_REF" => "29984",
"VK_MSG" => "6058fc3c1029eb9d12fdc331cdc4b7b0",
"VK_RETURN" => "https://dsm-banklink-frontend-lt-dev.dca.origin.big.local/r",
"VK_CANCEL" => "https://dsm-banklink-frontend-lt-dev.dca.origin.big.local/r",
"VK_LANG" => "LIT",
// STEP 3. Generate data to be signed
// ==================================
// Data to be signed is in the form of XXXYYYYY where XXX is 3 char
// zero padded length of the value and YYY the value itself
// NB! Swedbank Lithuania expects symbol count, not byte count with UTF-8,
// so use `mb_strlen` instead of `strlen` to detect the length of a string
$data = str_pad (mb_strlen($fields["VK_SERVICE"], "UTF-8"), 3, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . $fields["VK_SERVICE"] . /* 1002 */
str_pad (mb_strlen($fields["VK_VERSION"], "UTF-8"), 3, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . $fields["VK_VERSION"] . /* 008 */
str_pad (mb_strlen($fields["VK_SND_ID"], "UTF-8"), 3, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . $fields["VK_SND_ID"] . /* uid100010 */
str_pad (mb_strlen($fields["VK_STAMP"], "UTF-8"), 3, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . $fields["VK_STAMP"] . /* 2998 */
str_pad (mb_strlen($fields["VK_AMOUNT"], "UTF-8"), 3, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . $fields["VK_AMOUNT"] . /* 0.01 */
str_pad (mb_strlen($fields["VK_CURR"], "UTF-8"), 3, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . $fields["VK_CURR"] . /* EUR */
str_pad (mb_strlen($fields["VK_REF"], "UTF-8"), 3, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . $fields["VK_REF"] . /* 29984 */
str_pad (mb_strlen($fields["VK_MSG"], "UTF-8"), 3, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . $fields["VK_MSG"]; /* 6058fc3c1029eb9d12fdc331cdc4b7b0 */
/* $data = "0041002003008009uid10001000429980040.01003EUR005299840326058fc3c1029eb9d12fdc331cdc4b7b0"; */
// STEP 4. Sign the data with RSA-SHA1 to generate MAC code
// ========================================================
openssl_sign ($data, $signature, $private_key, OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA1);
/* Ti+nHPAbVM0MbQ6WS4oRoSEXVB/7Vg/R6TNTS5hUenEP9BpdRMmowNBYMpFyS60XiNlNSVEtXmVAeSJlE61ltCLDx/uhfSfXfpDeQeaRk4mZE1VbLowumjpcRt+GcfCDgPKawyz/R4FhS10bLw07ztkMs3NqnezMeEijSTjMtxL+CZ2GzH7gCBvq16FsXqm4h+XHG9UHIEORhKTieAipqNIuXiy+cDn/eO20FtwBfTpJE+CjvtzgCmKCBwVwEudV1ZJAH419aI8RN0NZ3MNKFkdXSsTXAL/UEiLAcZXD1JbStI79ulhn6LUfbslTB299ky7gfRpp0C2YviMT8IYxsQ== */
$fields["VK_MAC"] = base64_encode($signature);
// STEP 5. Generate POST form with payment data that will be sent to the bank
// ==========================================================================
Makse teostamise näidisrakendus "Swedbank Lithuania"